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ARCtivate 2023

Motivate. Accelerate. ARCtivate.

April 2nd- May 11th

It takes 40 days to change or create a new habit!

Join us for the next forty days to hit your goals and explore new things at the gym.

We are hosting tons of extra classes, workshops, seminars and activities to encourage everyone to get moving and try something new.

We will be sending updates through email and social media on our upcoming classes and events. Be sure to signup to receive updates, and be entered to win prizes!

Prizes this year include: 3x 1 Month Memberships, 2x $50 gift cards, 2x ARC Tank Tops

ARCtivate is FREE for members. For Non-members, you can either pick up a membership to take advantage of all the ARCtivate events or pay per event!


*Please sign up for each workshop/event you would like to attend, as some events have smaller capacities than others